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Meet the Maker: Jacobsen Sea Salt Co.

Since converting our studio space into a storefront, open to the public, we have enjoyed expanding from a small line of handmade ceramics, to a full homewares boutique. In the mix, we are happy to offer carefully curated pantry goods which pair seamlessly with our pieces and make a perfect housewarming or holiday gift. Among them; this collection of locally sourced sea salt right from our own Oregon Coast! Learn a bit about how the salt is harvested and shop our personal favorites below. 
Photo Kris LeBoeuf
Founded in 2011, Jacobsen Salt Co. is the first company to harvest salt in the Pacific Northwest since the 1800s. Since then it has transformed from a local, small business to a nationally recognized brand as America’s leading salt maker. Harvested from the cold, pristine waters of Netarts Bay on the Oregon Coast, their flake and kosher sea salts have garnered worldwide favor for their beautiful presentation and pure taste by professional chefs and home cooks alike
How is the salt made? 
1.  Seawater is pumped from Netarts Bay, filtered and then transferred into a reverse osmosis machine, where it's further filtered and reduced to a concentrated salt water, which is called prebrine.
2.  Next, this prebrine is pumped into large boil tanks where excess minerals are removed and the prebrine continues to reduce down to brine.
3.  The brine is then pumped into custom-made evaporation pans and carefully heated, creating beautiful sea salt.
4.  The flakes are gently scooped from the pans, rinsed, and put onto racks in a dehydrator for drying. Drying the salt helps produce a crunchy texture and makes it easier to handle during cooking.
5.  Once dry, every flake of salt is graded, sifted and sorted. The fully formed pyramid-shaped crystals become flake salt, while smaller flakes and coarser crystals become kosher salt.
6.  After sorting, it's sealed and sent to the Portland facility for packaging, before making its way to our shop and your kitchen!
Here at Notary we love the Pink Himalayan and Black Pepper Salt! A great way to elevate any meal (we are even guilty of putting salt on pizza! Shh)


About our favorites

Pink Himalayan- Sourced from the mountains of Pakistan, this pink Himalayan salt is made for your salt grinder/mill, and is a quick and elegant way to add in a bit of color to your cooking. 

Black Pepper Salt- kosher salt infused with freshly ground Tellicherry peppercorns for a bright, briny take on a classic combo.

Shop Jacobsen Sea Salt HERE

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