Creating a Cozy, Handmade Holiday Table
The holiday season is upon us. With its dinner parties, hot drinks, and fireside chats, no time of year is just quite as cozy, is it?

As we begin to open up our doors to friends and family for festive celebrations, the idea of preparing the “perfect” holiday home can often and easily distract us from the magic of the season. This year, perhaps we replace the idea of perfection and choose to embrace authenticity.

Gathering around a holiday table to share a meal with loved ones is a beautiful and intimate trademark of these final few months of the year. As we begin to gather up our mis-matched platters and Grandma’s antique gravy boat, we invite you to join us in curating a cozy and handmade Holiday table. How might we approach our table this year?

Get Crafty
Thinly slice citrus and those freshly picked apples to dehydrate on low heat for a garland or simply to toss atop your linen table cloth. Gather fallen branches, pinecones, or dried flowers you still have stilling in a vase to add natural beauty to your table’s landscape

Mix and match your most loved pieces for serving, eating & drinking. Here’s a lil secret - because you love each piece so dearly, you will automatically have a beautiful and cohesive display.

Set The Mood
Nothing announces the ceremonial start to a special meal like dimming the overheads and lighting candles intermixed on your Holiday Table.

Interested in adding a bit more of you to your Holiday table?
11/21, join us for a Thanksgiving Centerpiece workshop. You’ll be gently guided through creating a centerpiece using locally grown, dried flowers that will last for seasons to come. Light refreshments and all materials included.
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